Internal English Proficiency Testing Exam


AU organizes Internal English Proficiency Testing Exam

Information for aplicants

Dear Applicants,

As you know, applicants applying to AKFA University must submit an English Proficiency Certificate, otherwise their applications will not be approved and they cannot attend the entrance exams.

Taking into account the variety of reasons why the applicants do not obtain the IELTS,TOEFL or DUOLINGO certificate, AU Admission Committee decided to organize Internal English Proficiency Testing Exam (IEPTE) for this year as well and assign a set of date for IEPT exams as follows:

First IEPT exam: February 20, 3 pm

Second IEPT exam: March 20, 3 pm

Third IEPT exam: April 20, 3 pm

Fourth IEPT exam: May 19, 3 pm

Fifth IEPT exam: June 20, 3 pm

Sixth IEPT exam: July 20, 3 pm

*The price for the Exam is 400.000 UZB sums. Deadline for registration and payment for IEPT exams is 5 pm, 15th date of each month.

Best regards,
AU Admission Office